Tax-free savings

Save and pay no tax up to your annual tax-free allowance. Choose instant access, lock your money away, or save for a young person with a Junior ISA.

    The current rules for ISAs are subject to change by HM Revenue & Customs.

      Instant Access Cash ISA

      4.06% Gross/AER (variable)
      • Earn 4.06% Gross/ AER variable. This rate includes a guaranteed fixed bonus rate of 2.81% for the first 12 months, plus our standard variable rate which is currently 1.25%. After 12 months, you’ll continue to receive our standard variable rate (all rates are Gross/ AER). Earn 4.06% Gross/ AER variable. This rate includes a guaranteed fixed bonus rate of 2.81% for the first 12 months, plus our standard variable rate which is currently 1.25%. After 12 months, you’ll continue to receive our standard variable rate (all rates are Gross/ AER).
      • Save up to £20,000 tax-free in the current tax year Save up to £20,000 tax-free in the current tax year
      • Take money out and replace it later, without it counting towards your annual ISA allowance. All you have to do is replace the money in the same tax year it was withdrawn Take money out and replace it later, without it counting towards your annual ISA allowance. All you have to do is replace the money in the same tax year it was withdrawn
      • Start saving from just £1 and add to your account throughout the year Start saving from just £1 and add to your account throughout the year
      • Online access to your account 24/7 Online access to your account 24/7
      • Manage your account online or over the phone Manage your account online or over the phone

      Fixed Rate Cash ISA

      4.16% Gross/AER Fixed for the 12-month term of your ISA providing your money is kept in the account for the fixed term.
      • Save up to £20,000 tax-free in the current tax year
      • Watch your savings grow - you've 30 days from account opening to deposit up to the maximum allowance
      • Guaranteed interest rate for a year

      Junior Cash ISA

      4.00% Gross/AER (variable)
      • Save up to £9,000 tax-free (for the current tax year)
      • Start saving from just £1 - anyone can chip in: grandparents, relatives and friends
      • Manage your account online or over the phone

      Benefits of our Cash ISAs

      • payment icon
        No tax to pay on the interest you earn. Please note that the current rules for ISAs are subject to change by HM Revenue & Customs.
      • instant access icon
        Save the way that suits you: get instant access to your money, or lock it away.
      • Junior Icon
        ISAs for all ages: you can start saving for your children's future with our Junior Cash ISA.

      Financial Services Compensation Scheme

      Your eligible deposits held by a UK establishment of Barclays Bank UK PLC are protected up to a total of £85,000 by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, the UK's deposit guarantee scheme. This limit is applied to the total of any deposits you have with the following: Barclays, Barclays Business Banking, Barclays Premier Banking, Barclays Wealth Management and Tesco Bank. Any total deposits you hold above the limit between these brands are unlikely to be covered.

      Please ask for further information or visit

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            Other ways to save


            Instant Access

            Already used up your tax-free allowance? See other options.


            Fixed Rate Saver

            Fixed interest rates without tax-free limit


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