Support with money issues

Find the right advice to tackle your financial struggles, whether you want to reduce the amount you're currently paying back, change your repayment plan, or address any other money issues.

    Given the recent cost of living crisis, there are plenty of people in a similar boat looking to navigate these tough times. With this in mind, we’re here to listen to your concerns and work together to find a solution.

      Here's what you can expect from us

      If you're struggling to make your monthly payment amount, there are different ways to get the help you need. Depending on your circumstances, your options could include:

      • Getting more time to make your payment
      • Some breathing space to help you understand your finances
      • Reduce your payments
      • Reduce your interest

      Speak to our Financial Assist team on 0345 301 4971* to discuss your repayment options in more detail. If you call our team, they’ll find a way to reduce your monthly payments even if you’re not in arrears but are struggling financially.

      *This number may be included as part of any inclusive call minutes provided by your phone operator.

        Log in to Online Banking or our Mobile Banking App to access the Payment Help Centre and adjust your payments. In the Payment Help Centre, you can:

        • Make a payment
        • Extend your payment date by 30 days
        • Complete a budget calculator to work out a repayment plan

        Your Payment Help Centre also provides access to live chat and a secure inbox if you don’t want to speak to someone directly, and for those who want to chat, you can request a call back to talk at a time that suits you.

          Talking to us directly is the best way to find a solution if you’re worried about your payments. Depending on your circumstances, we may be able to reduce the amount you pay for a while or give you more time to make your payment.

          We know taking the first step can be hard - a lot of our customers say that - but it’s better in the long run if we talk sooner rather than later. If you're still nervous about talking to us, once you've run through a few security questions, we'll be happy to speak to someone close to you on your behalf.

          To speak to someone, call one of the following numbers* and get help:

          Financial Assist team - 0345 301 4971

            Opening hours are:

            Monday to Thursday 8:00am - 7:00pm
            Friday 8:00am - 6:00pm
            Saturday 8:00am - 2:00pm

              Home Insurance help - 0345 0303 202

              Car Insurance help0345 246 2895

                Opening hours are:

                Monday to Thursday 8.00am - 9.00pm
                Friday 8:00am - 8:00pm
                Saturday 8:00am - 5:00pm

                *These numbers may be included as part of any inclusive call minutes provided by your phone operator.

                  Advice on debt problems

                  StepChange offers advice on how to deal with your debt issues. Based on your circumstances, you’ll be recommended the best option for you moving forward and get support through to the resolution.

                  Phone - 0800 138 1111

                  Website -

                    Support with debt repayments and managed debt plans

                    We’ve partnered with PayPlan to provide further assistance to customers worried about their debt repayments. PayPlan’s specialists will run through your finances to look at the options for reducing your debt, including managed debt plans.

                    Phone - 0800 280 2816

                    Website -

                      Help for business owners and the self-employed

                      Business Debtline has a team of specialist advisers and budgeting tools to support small business owners and those who are self-employed with their debts.

                      Phone - 0800 197 6026

                      Website -

                        Other financial support

                        • Money Saving Expert provides a range of advice and offers to help save you money
                        • Uswitch provides comparisons for utilities, broadband, TV, finance, and insurance products
                        • Entitledto and Turn2us can help you to understand if you are receiving all the benefits you are entitled to. You can use their free benefits calculator online
                        • Gingerbread provides expert advice, practical support, and campaign for single parents
                        • Business Debtline is a charity that provides a free debt advice service for self-employed people and small businesses in England, Wales, and Scotland

                        Personal support for you

                        • Mind offers free and confidential mental health information and advice
                        • Samaritans are available to talk to you any time you like, in your own way, and off the record about whatever’s worrying you
                        • NHS Choices and Live Well NHS offer help and support for coping with addiction, bereavement, and a range of other areas of personal support
                        • Relate offers counselling and support services for couples, families, and young people
                        • If you're struggling to buy food, The Trussell Trust can help you find local support
                        • If you're experiencing domestic abuse, talk to the National Helpline

                        How we’ve helped others through tough times

                        Less money coming in or redundancy

                        If you or someone close isn't well

                        Problems with gambling

                        Struggling with addiction