Can I apply for a second credit card with Tesco Bank?
Wondering if you can apply for more than one credit card with us, or not sure whether you should increase your credit card limit instead? Our handy guide could help answer your questions.
Published:21 Feb 2023
I already have a Tesco Bank Credit Card, can I apply for another?
Yes, you can apply for a second credit card with Tesco Bank. You can have up to two credit cards with us at any one time, however you can’t apply for a Foundation Credit Card if you already hold a different credit card with us.
You also can't transfer a balance between Tesco Bank Credit Cards.
Before you apply for a second credit card, check that:
- It’s been more than a month since you received your last card from us
- You don’t have another application for a credit card with us in progress
- If you had a second credit card with us before and closed it, it was more than two months ago
Why might I think about getting a second credit card?
There are a few different reasons you might be thinking of getting a second card, like:
- You’re looking to improve your credit score – you can find out more about how your credit score works in our handy guide
- You use your credit card regularly, but your current card doesn’t offer any spending rewards
- You’re considering a big purchase and want to take advantage of a 0% introductory period on purchases, maximise potential cashback or loyalty points rewards
- You have a balance to transfer from a credit card you hold with another lender, and want to benefit from a 0% introductory period
- You’d like a backup card in case of emergency for example, if your card is lost or stolen
Whatever the reason you might consider taking a second credit card, it’s important to be responsible with your borrowing. That means making regular payments on time, only spending what you can afford to pay back, and clearing your balance as soon as possible.
How can I increase, or decrease, the credit limit on my Tesco Bank Credit Card?
You can easily apply to have the limit on your Tesco Bank Credit Card increased or decreased.
- Online Banking: select your credit card, click 'More' and then 'Credit limit'
- Mobile Banking App, simply head to the 'Account Management' section and select 'Manage credit limit'
The minimum amount you'll be able to decrease your limit to is £100, or 105% of your current balance.
Why might my application to increase my credit card limit be turned down?
When you ask to increase your limit, we carry out checks to see if you’re eligible. Your application might not be successful if:
- You have more than one credit card
- You’re over your current credit limit
- Your outstanding payments are in arrears
- Your credit limit has changed in the last 10 months (increase or decrease)
- You’ve had your credit card for less than 6 months
If you have more than one credit card with Tesco Bank, we will look at the limits and minimum payments on both when deciding whether your limits can be adjusted. Find out more about how credit card limits work.
Why might I increase my credit limit?
There are a few potential benefits to increasing your credit limits, including:
It can help boost your credit score. You can find out more about how your credit score works with our handy guide.
- Depending on your circumstances it may be better for your credit score than cancelling one card and applying for another.
- It may mean you have access to money quickly if you need it in an emergency.
Something to watch out for is applying to increase your limit on multiple accounts in a short space of time. That can cause a temporary decline in your credit score.
Important information
The content on this page aims to offer an informative introduction to the subject matter but does not constitute expert financial advice specific to your own situation. All facts and figures were correct at time of publication and were compiled using a range of sources.