Closing your Credit Card

All about closing your credit card and how to do it.

You can request closure of your Tesco Bank Credit Card using the form below. But before you do, please take a moment to read this page.

    Could you get more from your Credit Card?

    Requesting an increase or decreasing your credit limit is easy:

    Check if you have a 0% rate available in our Mobile Banking App or Online Banking. Just go to the Balance or Money transfer option and you’ll see if you have a 0% rate available.

      Remember your Credit Card is also your Clubcard, so when you spend on it, you’ll collect your usual Clubcard points and some extra ones on top. Find out more here - Credit Card Rewards.

        Managing your credit card account is easy through our Mobile Banking App. You can view your balance, make payments, block your card and so much more. Simply go to Mobile Banking App and get going in less than 5 minutes.

        Visit Online Banking Support or Mobile Banking App Help to get support and find out answers to your questions about our online banking or mobile banking app.

          Find everything you need to know about our fees and charges.

          Or if you have a query about any fees/charges on your account, please get in touch.

            Closing your account – here’s what you need to know

            If you opened your account within the last 14 days, please get in touch. We can’t close new accounts using the form below.

              We’re unable to accept a request to close an account with a credit balance. If you have a credit balance on your account, you’ll need to arrange a Money Transfer before you can close your credit card. You can do this easily in our Mobile Banking App or Online Banking. Here’s a handy guide: Credit Card Balance Refunds.

                Once your account is closed, you’ll lose access to your credit card account in our Mobile Banking App and Online Banking.

                  Interest is charged until the balance on your account has been paid in full. If you have recently cleared your balance, you may find that there is still interest to be applied to your account. This will be shown on your next statement which we will post to the address we have on file.

                    If so, you’ll still need to make at least your contractual monthly payments. We’ll send statements by post until the balance is repaid. If you have a Direct Debit in place, this will continue to collect until the balance is repaid.

                      All credit cards on your account including those for additional cardholders will be cancelled.

                        Your confirmation of closure will be sent by email and any future statements will be sent by post to the address we have on file. Please check this information is correct in your Online Banking before asking us to close your account.